Welcome to the 3rd week of the 52 Week Blog Challenge (I’m a little behind). Today I will be talking about my strengths and weaknesses. Talking about your strengths is a lot easier then talking about your weaknesses. However, I find it’s always a great learning experience to figure out what you’re good at and what you may need to work on.
Let’s face it, I’m not perfect (my weaknesses/things I need to work on):
–I’m impatient. When it comes to having patience, this is something I truly struggle with (I have gotten a little better over the last few years).
-When I’m upset or mad, it gets the best of me. I am such a hot headed person. Even though I may not have to say that I am mad, my facial expressions or actions let it be known.
-I overspend on things I do not need. I love spending my money on clothes and makeup. I really do not need more clothes and makeup but I am a little addicted to both.
-I let stress take over to easily. I will admit that I get stressed out pretty easily at times. When that stress kicks in, it is horrible for my health.
-Working out more (this is more of something I need to work on). I used to work out all the time a few years ago. I have completely slacked off over the years and trying to find the motivation again, is hard. I really have been trying to get my butt back into gear.
Now with that being said I also have things that I am good at.
My Strengths:
-I’m strong willed. I am not the type of person who gives up easily. When I have my mind set to accomplish something, I get it done.
-I’m resilient. I don’t let set backs get me down (at least not for long).
-I’m independent. Every since I was young, I have been independent. I love that I am this way.
-Hard Working. Everything that I have ever had I’ve worked my butt off for.
So even though I have weaknesses, I don’t let them get my down and I make sure to celebrate my strengths. What are some of your weaknesses and strengths?
If you’d like to participate in the 52 Week Blog Challenge here at the topics for each week. Don’t forget to link up by visiting Sarah Emily Blogs & Girl Talk Blog every Monday!
Hahaha I feel like you just described me :p I wish we lived closer together, we’d be such great friends!
Cat we are a lot alike for sure!! Hopefully one day I can visit California again!
What an introspective exercise! Being independent is a great asset in life.
Lauren this prompt was a lot of fun and got me thinking. I enjoy that I am independent.
What a perfect prompt to get you reflecting! I have a lot of the same weaknesses as you! Especially when it comes to overspending and stressing out.
Sabrina it is a great prompt that really makes you think. I am finding that a lot of my weaknesses are similar to others. I am horrible at handling stress. I have tried finding ways to help me better relieve it.
I love this! The best way to improve yourself is to first admit your weaknesses!
Thank You Nata! I agree it’s a great learning process.
I can relate to your weaknesses. I’m very impatient and often I let my emotions take over, too. Working out is definitely something I need to work on! You can tackle all these things, too! You’ve got this! I love balancing out my weaknesses with strengths!
Leslie we can def work on all of these items! I have gotten a little better with my patience but not a lot. We all have things we have to work on. It’s apart of life.
I’ve taken a similar challenge before so I know how hard it is, kudos to you and the very best of luck with it. I share a couple of each of your strengths and weaknesses, but unfortunately resilience is not one on my strength list, its on my weakness one. Something to work on this year.
Lynda I am always working on my strengths and witnesses. They typically tend to balance themselves out, which is always great. I don’t mind sharing my weaknesses because it only helps me become a better person and helps me learn.
Our weaknesses are literally the same! haha! I hate that I have them and I am improving them every single day with this new journey I following called the Mayliving Project, hopefully these will change along the process!
Mayara, having weaknesses is not always a bad thing. They are a learning lesson. We all have things we need to work on. Good luck with your process!
I am struggling with the same workout struggle, of course- I am starting off by just going once a week and increasing eventually- i got mad at myself because I missed this week =[
Well at least you are making an effort to work out Shannon. That’s awesome! Hopefully you can get back into the gym this week.
haha… you are so me
Or I am so you
I like the idea of this blog challenge.
See you next Monday!
Andrea that is awesome! You should join in for the challenge. It is a lot of fun!
I have a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses.
I struggle with working out as well – it’s so hard to get into on top of all the other things I have to do.
xoxo, Jenny
Jenny I really want to get back into working out. It was so much easier to do when I was in college and had less of a crazy life. Who would have thought. Why did I want to leave college? I hope that you and I can both find some motivation to get back into the gym.
oh thanks for the reminder, I am a few weeks behind also..oops! Stress is beast, it takes me down no matter what coping skills I have.
You’re welcome Monroe! Things have been a little busy for me, so I’m behind on the challenge. I am hoping to get caught up very soon. Stress sucks so badly.
Wow this is a great post, I really appreciate and enjoy your transparency. I think sometimes sharing our weaknesses forces us to mobilize on improving on them as well. I’m going to try and join the challenge as well!
Thank You Tiffany! I think it’s great to share what you may not be good at because we all have our faults but we also have our strengths. Both are great to have and are a learning experience.
I definitely share several of these with you. When it comes to work related things I’m extremely impatient, but at the same token I’m very hardworking. Sometimes I think our strengths balance out our weaknesses and it’s all about learning how to use those strengths to compensate for our weaknesses. Great post!
I could not agree with you more Cara! I know that some of my strengths help balance my weaknesses and the same for my weaknesses for my strengths. We always have to learn that we have things to improve on. It’s apart of life and being human.
Well you described most of my weaknesses! It’s comforting to know I’m not alone : ) It’s important to be honest and self-reflective; I really like your Monday challenges!
Lindsay I lot of people have said that they have the same weaknesses as us. So we are far from alone! Everyone has things they need to work on in life and that’s okay. It’s what makes us human.
I overspend on things that I don’t need too. I’m really working on controlling that this year. I’m not perfect at it, but am getting a lot better.
Crystal we all have our faults and I agree no one is perfect.
What a great way to learn about you. This is super. Thanks for sharing.
Thank You Heather. It’s not always easy putting your weaknesses out there but it’s always a great learning experience.
It’s great to be self-reflective. It sounds like you have quite a few strengths though!
I agree Marissa! I have a lot of strengths and of course I have my weaknesses as well.
Oh my goodness, you just literally described me! We would be such BFFs!
That’s awesome Alicia!
It’s hard to admit our weaknesses, good for you.
It is at times Rhi but it’s a great learning experience.
What a great blogging challenge! I have a lot of the same weaknesses – impatient and letting my emotions get the best of me (for example, ROAD RAGE).
Jill I completely feel you on the road rage! Mine is so bad! I’ve gotten a little better at it but driving in TX, doesn’t help at all. I really wish I had more patience but that is just something that I’ve always lacked.
I let stress take over too!
Neely stress is such a horrible thing! I try to relax and not let certain things get to me but it’s not always easy to do.
My facial expressions give me away every time!!! haha It’s definitely a weakness I have, same with being patient. I think it’s a great thing to recognize your weakness, because while we will always have weaknesses, it is always good to try and improve on them!
Mattie my facial expressions also give me away. I am the worst at hiding them! I know that I have weaknesses that I need to work on all the time but I also know that I have some great strengths. Those help out way weaknesses (most of the time).
Girl I feel you on a lot of these! Working out, the stress, overspending, etc. I am working on them as well but sometimes it just still comes out!
Ashley it’s so hard for me to be motivated to work out after a long day at work and of course I love my sleep, so waking up early to work out…yeah…I keep telling myself “remember a few years ago when you were really fit”, that should be my motivation but being tired always wins. I am hoping to get better at it! Oh stress….it never fails! Overspending has always been a bad weakness of mine but I have been getting somewhat better. Let’s hope you and I can work on getting better at our weaknesses.
It’s absolutely important to know our strengths and weaknesses so we can focus on our strengths and work on our weaknesses!
Susannah I completely agree! It’s always good to balance them out.
I am so impatient too! I hate waiting for things…our 16 month engagement was so torturing!
For some reason I have never listed my strengths just negative, need to change this.
I definitely have a lot of these same strengths and weaknesses. I am with you on the body language and expression when we are mad. There is no hiding my feelings.
The more I read these personal posts of yours, the more I see how similar we are! With each strength and weakness I found myself shaking my head yes yes yes! haha.
I understand completely. I have a bit of a problem with buying things that I don’t need too.
Erika I am glad you understand. Sometimes it is hard to not buy things I don’t need. I am getting better at it though.
I overspend on things a lot too. I’m trying to do a no-spend month for the month of May!
Chelsea I have thought about doing a no-spend after my birthday this month. Not sure if I can do it because when I see a cute outfit or make up I want….I have no self control. Lol.
Resilient and independent are wonderful strengths! I also stress out too easily … that is something I am actively trying to work on.
Trish I try to be as resilient and independent as I can be. I’m working on not letting stress get to me too much. It’s always a battle.
Great challenge and good fro you for being self-aware. You got this!
Thank You Laiana! It’s such a fun challenge to be apart of!
So many of your strengths and weaknesses are mine, too. I let stress get the best of me to easily and i’m impatient and let my frustrations get best of me but i’m learning how exercise and eating better help me feel better and control those things. When you feel good stress doesn’t bother you as much.
I’m so glad you’re doing the 52 week challenge!
Leslie I have been working on not letting stress get to me too much. It really had effected me in the past and not on a good way. Exercising always makes me feel better.
I need to do this! I think it’s awesome you have it set up to where you can start where ever you want. But of course I’m an over thinker and am wondering the best way to do this. Right now I post twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, Monday is more blog and business and Thursday is lifestyle. I would either do these challenges on Thursdays or add in a new day but an extra post each week and having to do the promotion for it seems like it might be too much but I don’t know if I want to give up my Thursdays totally when other topics might come up lol see over thinking
Dia it’s a fun challenge to do. I haven’t really kept up with it but I am trying to get back on track with it. I try to post 3 x’s a week when possible. Life gets in the way sometimes. I’d love to see what you blog about if you try the challenge out.
This is such a great post idea! Also we are so similar!!
Miss Olivia Says
Thank You Olivia! That’s awesome that we are very similar.
My weaknesses: my husband would say I am stubborn, for sure. I’m also super sensitive and take a lot of things personally that aren’t at all personal.
My strengths: I can very easily put myself in other people’s shoes which makes me a really good friend. I’m also really self-motivated which has helped me a lot!
Rachel I am so stubborn as well. It happens. Lol. Being sensitive isn’t always a bad thing. That’s awesome that you can easily put yourself in other’s shoes. That’s an awesome strength to have!
Love Blog challenges. This answers Writer’s Block. Nice guide! Kudos to the one who made this.
Your strength points are amazing! Keep it up and just move forward. Stay away from the negative ones.
I also love blog challenges Ayesha. It really does help with having writer’s block.