Happy Wednesday!!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far! Today makes a week since my 1 year blogiversary!I cant not believe that I have been blogging for a year. It has been such an amazing journey so far. Sweet Tea & Hydrangeas would not be what it is without all of you supporting me. I can not THANK YOU all enough for all the love and support over the last year. I truly am grateful that you read my blog and enjoy what I have to say (or at least I hope you enjoy what I have to say). Again thank you all!!! Today I am sharing five things I wish I would have known before I started blogging.
If you’re a blogger have you ever thought to yourself…if I would have known this before I started my blog, things may have been easier? Or if you’re thinking about starting a blog, are there things you want to know before you get started? Here is what I wish I had known before I started blogging.
- How much work blogging takes. I am not going to lie, I thought that blogging was going to be so easy when I started. I never realized how much work truly goes on behind the scenes. based on tips provided by Do Six Figures, you have to come up with new blog post ideas, take pictures, write/edit posts, network, promote and so much more. It’s not just posting and taking pictures like I thought.
- How important having an editorial calendar is. When I first started blogging I had a ton of ideas that I wanted to post about but those ideas were all over the place. I blogged whatever came to mind whenever I wanted. I quickly found I was slightly overwhelmed because my ideas were not organized. Having an editorial calendar with all of your posts planned out ahead of time will keep you organized and sane. It may seem like a hassle but just do it! I promise you’ll thank me later.
- What SEO was. As a new blogger there are so many things that you need to know. SEO is probably one of them most important things you need to know as a blogger (that is just my opinion). I am so happy that after a few months of blogging I finally did my research and got on board with using SEO.
- That investing in a good DSLR camera will be a complete game changer. When I first started blogging, I used my iPhone to take pictures. The quality of my pictures were not great and it really effected the blog.
- I wish I knew that there were Facebook blogging groups. I had been blogging for a few months and never knew these groups existed. I came across a blog that was talking about how great these groups were, so I had to join. I can not tell you what a difference these groups have made in my blog! The support I receive from other bloggers (and am still receiving) has been amazing. I have learned so much through these groups and have met some amazing blogger friends. It’s also great because I have been able to discover new blogs, that I might have never known about.
These are just a few things that I wish I knew before I started blogging. If you’re a blogger what are some things you wish you knew before you started blogging? If you’re thinking about blogging what do you feel would be helpful for you to know?
Great tips, what blogging groups do you really like? I just discovered them recently too and have been really trying to engage and use them more!
Sarah my favorite fb groups right now are Blog Passion Project & Show Your Blog Love. Those two I feel I interact the most with other bloggers. I use other fb groups as well. Which one’s are you apart of?
This is a spot on list! I agree to all of it! The FB groups were such a huge game changer when I started blogging! Thank you for sharing!
Thank You Ashleigh! I love all of the fb groups that I am apart of. They really have helped me through my blogging journey and I love the community it has given me.
For sure! You can definitely get by with a fairly nice camera on your phone but after 5 years of blogging, I got a DSLR and OH MY GOSH it changed my life! Plus, I really enjoy taking pictures now! Also, knowing some helpful blogging tools has also been a game changer!
Katie when I first started blogging I was like oh my Iphone will work just fine. Well after awhile I was like yeah these photos are just okay. Nothing great. So I invested in a good camera and it has made such a difference! Blogging tools are so important as well!
I agree with all of this and am working on SEO! I think getting famalier with coding is semi important too!
Meredith SEO took me some time to learn. I did a lot of research! I really admit that coding is not something I am too familiar with. I am slowly trying to learn though.
so true..i was nodding in agreement while reading this. Very well written post!
Thank You! I think we can all agree when it comes to things we wish we knew before we started blogging.
I have been blogging for nearly four years and I JUST discovered blog support groups. Aren’t they so awesome? I feel like I have made some great connections with a few ladies through these groups.
I feel you, there’s so much I wish I would have known.
Maybe not how much work it would be, I might not have done it. Nope, I still would have done it.
Thanks for sharing.
Alix I still would have done it too if I would have known how much work it would be. Lol. I just never realized that it would take time if you want to be a good blogger. I know I am far from a perfect blogger but I feel that every day I learn something new.
These things are spot on!! I wish I knew every single one of them. I recently have just been feeling so disorganized, and it really was terrible. I finally got on the bandwagon for using Evernote, and it’s been so helpful to go along with my editorial calendar. I also wish I knew HOW MUCH TIME blogging takes. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, but sometimes it is nice to just take a step back & live in the moment!!
Mattie even though I’ve been blogging for a little over a year now, I feel disorganized at times still. Life gets in the way. It happens.
Blogging takes so much work! I never fully understood till I was like okay my blog needs to be better than what it is. It is well worth it though.
Love my Facebook groups! And blogging really does take so much work, I wish that my non-blogger friends would understand and be more supportive sometimes.
Justine blogging fb groups are amazing! I love all the one’s that I am apart of. They have been so helpful and I love that I have been able to find blogging friends through them. Blogging is so much work. I know that it’s well worth the time and effort I put into blogging.
I’ve been blogging for a few years now and I really noticed an impact on my blog as soon as I joined the Facebook groups! The difference really is amazing. And from a college student who understands how valuable time is (or lack-there-of), blogging is a LOT of hard work!! Definitely a commitment!
Rachel I love blogging fb groups! They have been so helpful to my blog and myself. I have learned so much from them and met some amazing bloggers. Blogging is def a full time job even if you don’t blog 7 days a week.
I could have written this post! I have not invested in a better camera yet, but everything else on your list I’ve done. I was late to the game when it came to editorial calendars. I love mine! It’s actually kept me organized enough that I don’t have to work as hard to produce blog content.
Cori having a better camera has made such a difference. Having an editorial calendar is extremely beneficial .
yes to all of these! Blogging takes work and i don’t think a lot of people understand that!
Lexi blogging is a lot of work! Even though I do not blog full time, it still takes a lot of my time. I wouldn’t change it for the world!
#1 and #4 for sure! It is so much work but having a good camera makes it so much easier!
Karin blogging is a lot of work! Not as easy as what it seems. I am so happy that I invested in a good camera to start taking pictures. My first photos on the blog were not that great. I am slowly improving.
Yep, all these things! You learn as you go, right?!
Leah that is def true that you learn as you go. I’m always learning something new each day!
AHHH yes! Blogging is VERY time consuming!! But it certainly gets a bit easier along the way!! Great post!
Candice it is very time consuming! I find that from when I first started blogging to now, I have learned so much. It gets easier with time.
Hey! I’m from Louisiana too! But, I loved this post! I just recently started my blog and these are indeed some of the things I am now realizing. I’m about to start my search for the perfect camera to take my blog’s photos.
Hi Brittany! Welcome to the blogging community! That’s awesome that you are also from Louisiana! There are so many things that go into blogging. I definitely did not know what I was getting myself into at first. Now I would not trade it for the world. Getting a good camera will def help out with photos.
Yes to all of these! Getting and learning how to use a really good camera have really changed my blog. I finally feel like my photos match the quality I aspire to!
Rachel yes!!! Having a good camera really does take a blog to the next level. I have slowly but surely become better at taking photos. I hope to continue to get better.
I wish I could understand SEO better. It seems like if you are a newer site it will take forever to show up in results even if you are using keywords.
Sara SEO takes some time to understand. I did lots of research on it to be able to fully understand what it was that I needed to be doing. It may take a little while longer for it to take effect if you have a new blog. It is worth it though!
Oh SEO is still the bane of my existence and I’m still working to totally figure it out!
Betsy, SEO takes a lot of time to understand! I promise that once you understand it or get the jist of it, it is so worth it. I did a lot of research on it.
4 and 5 are the biggest ones for me! It took me so long to figure out how much visuals matter, and I had no idea about facebook groups my first two years of blogging!
Becky I completely agree that visuals make a huge difference. I have slowly improved my images (or at least I hope so). I love being apart of fb groups. It has helped me out so much.
Number 1 is so important!! Not everyone gets that.
Angela it really is! I do not blog full time but even the time that I do blog, it’s a lot of work.
Yes girl!! Blogging groups and how much time it takes!!!!! I totally agree!!!!
Brittany blogging is so much work! It is worth it though! I love being apart of blogging groups! Best thing I ever did!
I NEED a DSLR camera.. Just nervous about purchasing one because I am graduating and then going off into the real world with real expenses. But it would be a huge investment.. so I am torn!!
Miss Olivia Says
Olivia a good DSLR will be a great investment for your blog and for personal reasons as well. I found a really good one one amazon. It was around $500-$600 but you can always shop around to find the best deals. I completely understand having real life expenses.
I am a new blogger and I am so glad that I am apart of the facebook groups! Whenever I have questions I can just turn to them and they don’t ever make me feel like my question is stupid!
Melanie welcome to the blogging community! That is what I love about the fb groups! Everyone is so helpful and understanding because someone has been where you are at one point.
I absolutely agree – blogging is hard work + time consuming but sooo so worth it!! 100% think FB blogging groups are amazing :))
Yes for editorial calendars and FB blogging groups. I was also a late bloomer to the groups and they’ve been a huge help in connecting with other bloggers and growing reach.
Jessica I was also a late bloomer when it came to joining blogging groups. I am so happy that I finally did! It has been a huge help for myself and my blog.
I just started (seriously) blogging about a month ago, so these were super informative. I was just thinking today about saving up for a good camera and/or GoPro. Do you only own a DSLR?
I think one things I underestimated was that my numbers wouldn’t come over night. I’m getting many visitors and views, but not many likes and comments. So for me it’s just learning to be patient
Michelle I do not have a GoPro but I know a lot of bloggers that do, especially if you plan on doing videos,etc. I own the Canon Powershot N2 Digital Camera & Sony NEX-6LB cameras. Numbers are something that you worry about when you first start blogging but I find over time you will grow and get more views.
Yes! I’m loving the Facebook groups I’ve joined. I also need to find my DSLR camera. I used to take my photos with it but slowed down on blogging and now can’t seem to find it.
Meghan I love the facebook groups I am apart of! They have been so helpful and amazing. I am so happy that I finally invested in a good DSLR camera. It has been a life saver. I hope you find yours!
Love these suggestions! There is such a learning curve when you are first starting to blog. It’s a whole other world and I’m pretty sure the learning never stops as technology is constantly changing.
Kristie’s Reverie
Thank You Kristie! There is always so much to learn when it comes to blogging. I think that no matter how long you’ve blogged for there is always going to be something new that comes up,etc. I enjoy being able to learn.
When I started blogging several years ago, there was no mention about most of these. As blogging became more popular as well as a profession, all of the things that you’ve mentioned like SEO and editorial calendars became increasingly important. These are things that I wish were available many moons ago.
Regina I know a lot of bloggers who have been blogging for awhile say the same thing. I think there are always going to be things you have to learn when it comes to blogging. It’s all about the journey.
It’s funny, I’ve been blogging for a while now and still haven’t nailed down #2. I have lists and outlook kinda keeps me straight, but it’s still a mess. Really need to work on cleaning that up
I totally agree with all of those points. Great advice for newbies!! Thanks for sharing.
Thank You Angelle! I am hoping that it helps any new bloggers out there.
I agree with all of these!
I thought blogging was going to be a walk in the park too but boy was I wrong.
xoxo, Jenny
Yes to all of these! I had no idea how much work blogging was until I started! And a lot of the Facebook groups seem to be fairly new, but I wish I knew about them too! Huge game changer!
Love this! And you are totally going to laugh at me because I JUST learned what an editorial calendar was like 6 months ago! I was seriously thinking “where has this been my whole (blogging) life?!?!” LOL!
Thank You Paula!! Do not feel bad about using an editorial just recently because I was not using it for the longest time either. Hey we learned though!
Great post! I recently wrote a post about 5 things you have to accept if you’re a blogger. I don’t think you can really realize it until you’re in it how much time it takes. My editorial calendar ends up changing a lot but having it is still so important.
I also wish I knew more about SEO.
I’ll be sharing this post
Love this! I’m nodding along with pretty much every point you listed.
Omg, yes, number one is spot on. I thought it would be fun and easy….but it turns out to be stressful and time consuming! Especially with the photos! I agree!
I love this!! Blogging has been SO much more work than I ever could have imagined. But I also hadn’t planned on turning it into more than just a super small hobby either lol and I have no idea what I’d without blogging groups. Or an organized calendar. So helpful!
I wish I also knew how time consuming blogging is and I wish others could understand that it can be a full time job.
Every one of these I wish I had known beforehand!
You blog is so cute! Glad I found you through Keating’s facebook page
Thank You Liane!! I am so glad that you found my blog through Keating. She’s amazing! I can’t wait to visit your blog as well.
I agree with all of these! Even though I have been blogging for 5 years I still am learning every day.
Sara I think that as a blogger you always are learning. There is always some new technique that you have to learn, new ways to improve things,etc. I have enjoyed my journey so far and what I have learned.
Blogging is so time consuming. More than I ever could have imagined.! I also agree on the images. You can still get pretty good pictures from your iPhone but it takes a lot more work than if you use a DSLR.
Totally agree with these, especially #1 and #5. Definitely underestimated how much work blogging is… Who knew;) And blogging communities have been such a lifesaver! Great post:)
Casey | http://www.frenchblissme.com
Casey there is so much work that goes into blogging! I never realized it until I wanted to take my blog to the next level. I love the blogging community. They have been so amazing!
I think the time point is the biggest for me. People simply don’t realize how much time blogging takes.
Yes to all of these! I didn’t realize how much work was involved when I got started but I was already knee-deep so it was either sink or swim.
Great post! Sharing this one for sure.
Corina me too!! I was like well you already started your blog, so you might as well keep swimming. I am so glad I did, though it has been challenging at times.
Right! It is way more work than I thought, but also way more fulfilling!
Molly I could not agree more. It is very time consuming but it is so rewarding as well.
These are 5 great tips, and from my own experience I can say that yes, there are such important ones too! And ones I had to figure out, and discover in my journey as well. I find that the blogging groups are really powerful. I haven’t invested in a camera yet, and would love to hear more about how you come up with pictures for you blog and what that process is like
Thanks for sharing <3
I agree with editorial calendar too. I just joined some Facebook groups and it is great!
I didn’t know these things either! Having a good camera is definitely huge.
Haha yes!! Amen to all of these – for real.
YES TO ALL OF THESE! I started blogging about a year ago for my company and I was opened up to this whole new world of blogging. Thank god I am a web designer/photographer so I had the SEO & Photos down.. but jeez I had no idea how my time and effort went into it! But I just LOVE it, so much I started a personal blog about 2 weeks ago!
Alexis that is awesome that you had SEO and photos down ahead of time. I love taking photos but it’s different when it comes to blogging (at least for me it is). I am so much more picky with the angle, lighting, etc. It’s a lot of work but so worth it! I will have to check out your personal blog!
Yes! completely agree! specially with the first one “how much work” involved in blogging, at least when you seriously commit to it. Thanks for sharing <3
Jihane there is so much work involved in blogging. I never knew just how much work it was until I really wanted to make my blog even better. It’s rewarding though!
What a great post! Great for me especially since I’m a new blogger – really informative!
Great list! I actually just got an alert that today is my 5 year blogging anniversary and I wish I would have known these back when I started. =)
Great tips, I have done a bit of SEO research, but I def could do some more!
Your list is great, blogging is hard work but very rewarding in the end. I wish I had done more SEO research. Bloggers are such a great community of people to learn from. Have an amazing day.
Cynthia thank you!!! Blogging is a lot of hard work but I agree so rewarding in the end. I would not have traded my journey so far. It’s been tough at times but I have learned so much. I love the blogging community. It’s been great to me. I hope you have a great day as well.
It also took me a while to figure out that there were blogging groups out there that actually helped! Ive joined tons since I found this out and its definitely been a game changer for my blog! Thanks for sharing!
This is such a great list. I find SEO to be incredibly intimidating and I just don’t really understand it!
Thank You Martha!SEO is tricky and hard to understand. I understand it a little bit but not a lot. I’m still learning.
Yes x 5!!!! These are so spot on! Especially the SEO and Facebook blogging groups. Game changers! I’m still pretty new and learning myself
SEO is so important to know about. I love all the fb groups I am apart of. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to blogging.
I think the biggest thing for me was (and still is in a lot of ways) understanding some blogging and techie terminology. I have grown A LOT in the last year in my blogging, but when more experienced bloggers start explaining how to do so-and-so, I realize that there is a lot of blogging vocabulary that I am unfamiliar with. And sometimes, I actually know what they are talking about, I just didn’t know the term for it, that can get old after a while. haha
Kristin there are still a lot of things I do not know about blogging. I have only been doing this for a little over a year now. So we are in the same boat together. I do enjoy being able to learn new things about blogging, so I can improve my blog. It’s been an interesting journey for me so far but I wouldn’t trade it!
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. and Yes.
I started back in 2010. It’s been a crazy journey because there are so many directions you can take a blog. I’m a food blogger and investing in a good camera is a must. I never thought I would be a photographer, but now here I am. I get asked about blogging all the time. I’ll have to send them this blog post. Thanks for sharing!
Maggie that is awesome that you have been blogging since 2010! I am still fairly new to blogging but I have learned a lot on my short journey. I have loved every bit of it. Investing in a good camera has made such a different for me. Don’t get me wrong I am not a perfect photography but from when I first started till now….I have improved.
A good camera and learning about SEO really upped my blogging game tremendously! Love this:)
Joanna it did the same for my blog. I was so happy I took the time to learn about SEO & got a good camera.
My blog is less than 2 months old. These tips are great! I didn’t know them when I got started, but I quickly figured it out. The number 1 (amount of time it takes) still surprises me. It’s a lot of work but very fun and rewarding.
I so wish when I started blogging Facebook blogging groups has been around I would have made so many fewer mistakes haha
What are some of your fave facebook groups? I love Show Your Blog Love and Blogging Boost, I just discovered groups and have been blogging for two years!
Chloe I am a member of Show Your Blog Love as well. I also love Blog Passion Project and Grow Your Blog. I love being apart of blogging fb groups. They have been so helpful!
Great post Mistle!
For me, I’ve found the following really important, and it’s taken me a while to figure them out:
– a clean and crisp site/blog design. I’ll be totally honest, if I land on a page and it’s too busy for my head and eyes, I close the tab without even reading content. And busy doesn’t necessarily mean too much clutter, for me it can be clashing colours, poor choice of fonts and template.
– having my own domain and self-hosting.
– having a dedicated workspace (which I still don’t really have, but I’m hoping to get later in the year or early next year, depending when our baby moves into their own room {baby is not due til July})
– establishing a solid network with other like minded individuals.
Thank You Hollie! All of the things you mentioned are very important! I also do not stay on a blog that is too busy. I like it to be as clean as possible. I try to keep mine that way. Hopefully other’s think it is clean. Having my own domain was the best thing I had ever done for my blog. Having a work space that you can sit down and collect all your thoughts is also really important. Maybe not necessary starting off but always nice to have. Networking is so important. I’ve made a lot of blogging friends virtually and in person which has helped me out a lot.
I just recently discovered FB groups, and they’ve been a game changer! I’m still trying to learn SEO. It’s such a trick thing to master for me.
Emily SEO is def tricky and takes time. I still have not mastered it but I understand it better than I had when I first started blogging.
These are great tips! I have been blogging for almost 5 years, and continue to learn something new everyday (still working on the seo bit)! I think I would have liked to know how much work it really takes before I started. Blogging is almost like having a full time job for me. Between taking pictures, editing photos and preparing posts to scheduling social media posts, it’s a lot of work!
xo Ashley
Ashley I agree, I am always learning every day! The time blogging takes really is like a full time job even if you do not blog full time. It is worth it though!
SEO is the devil!! I can get so lost in it and I’m never done learning about it – it’s crazy!!
KP SEO is very time consuming. I am still learning about SEO and will probably always have to learn about it. It does help though!
All are so true! Number 5 has been really helpful recently!
I can totally relate to all of these! There are so many things I wish I had of realized before I started blogging, especially how much work it is. I still feel like I have a ton to learn, but I’m having fun with it and enjoying the process.
Allison, I also am still learning and have a lot to learn. I have enjoyed my journey so far and can’t wait to see where it goes in the next year.
Such great tips for bloggers of any experience!
xx katie // a touch of teal
Thank You Katie!
I was nodding along to every item on your list. Especially the first one – OMG how much time does blogging take?! Good thing I love it!
Bree blogging takes so much work! It is worth it though!
Yes to all of this!
Thank You Tamara!
Love your blog. Facebook is my achilles heel. Just HOW? Every other social media networking platform makes sense to me(business wise) but the mere creation of a FB has given me a few strands of gray. Any tips would be so appreciated. Thank you
Thank You Angel. I currently do not have a fb page at this time, so I would not be able to give you any tips unfortunately. I am apart of some fb blogging groups that have helped me out though. I would suggest maybe looking on pinterest for some advice on creating a fb page for your blog.
All of this – yes! I’ve been blogging for years and only just started using an editorial calendar and joining Facebook groups and I wish I had known sooner!
Cassandra having an editorial calendar has kept me sane recently, though things sometimes get in the way of posting. I love all the fb groups I am apart of.
I’m totally with you on many of these things but could seriously add about 20 more easily. SEO being the first and most cumbersome one for sure. Yes, it is a huge amount of work but hey, we are having all the fun!
Melody oh I am sure I could add a ton more items to this list as well.
SEO is not easy at all and I still am learning tips a tricks. Blogging is a lot of work but I love every bit of it.
Yes to all five of these! I definitely learned each and every one of those the hard way when I started blogging. Another thing I learned: There is no quick-way-to-success. Blogging takes time, energy and drive and if you don’t have it, reaching your goals is going to be a serious uphill battle!
Congrats on your first bloggiversary!
Laura @ http://www.cookwineandthinker.com
Laura I did too when I first started blogging. Blogging is no easy job by any means. It takes work and learning. I am always learning something new and trying to improve my blog. I wish I had more time to put into my blog than what I have but hey at least I doing the best I can.
These are great, thank you! What is your favorite SEO resource by chance? I have not yet dipped my toe into it yet. Yikes!
Really enjoy your blog!
Tracy @ Blogbytracy.com
Thank You Tracy!! I have a few favorite resources that helped me out with SEO. I have them pinned on my pinterest board, so let me go back and find them for you and I will email you some of them. I am no expert at SEO by any means but I have learned a good bit since I first started blogging.
Happy Blog-iversary!! These tips are spot on! One of my favorite things that I have gained from blogging in the community – being involved in FB groups and meeting people locally has been a game changer for me!
xx, Emily
Something Gold, Something Blue
Thank You Emily! I love all the fb groups that I am apart of. I love that I have been able to meet bloggers virtually and face to face. The blogging community has been amazing over the last year that I have been blogging. I could not ask for more accepting people, especially when I asked a ton of questions.
I was lucky enough to know about Facebook blogging groups from the very beginning (which was great so I didn’t feel like I was talking to thin air right away), but I wish I knew that EVERYONE who dives in head first to the blogging scene feels overwhelmed and can’t do everything at the same time. I wish I knew I didn’t have to be a master of all social media outlets AND all the little stuff that goes into blogging
Celeste that’s awesome that you new about fb blogging groups when you started out. Doing everything at once when you first start blogging is very overwhelming, I agree. I wish I could have just dived in and knew everything ahead of time but I didn’t. Which I think has helped me in a way because I have continued to learn about blogging. I am not on all the social media outlets currently. I figured the ones I am on are enough at this time.
Thanks for sharing this!! I literally just launched my blog a little over a week ago
Great tips!
Xo Raina
You’re welcome Raina! I hope these were helpful and welcome to the blogging world!
YES! To all of these. These were all the biggest game changers for me, and it’s such an improvement!
Angie it took me awhile to figure some of these out but after I did, it really helped out as well. I am still improving but I enjoy learning.
Great tips–especially keeping a calendar. I am going to try that!
Thank You Jessica! I have slowly gotten better with having an editorial calendar. It really is helpful!
Great list. I am still trying to get down the camera thing. I want to take better pictures. Facebook groups make a huge difference in my traffic! Yeah I didn’t realize how much work it was to really dedicate yourself to it and really make it happen but now I’m addicted to it.
Thank You Dia. Taking pictures takes so much time. I literally take 15+ pictures of the same thing over and over again. I am have been trying to improve my photography skills. Facebook groups have also made a huge difference in my traffic as well. I also love that I have been able to meet (virtually) some great bloggers through those groups. Blogging is so much work! There are times when I am not motivated to blog but I keep pushing myself.
Yes to all of these! I also wish I knew about all the inner-workings of starting a blog (hosting, good domain, setting up photos for SEO/pinterest, etc.)
Such a great list; I feel kind of ashamed that I still don’t use an editorial calendar or have a DSLR calendar. Now that I’m having more sponsored posts, I see the need for one though!! Great reflection – I never knew how much time blogging would take, and when my friends ask for tips on starting a blog because they want to start one as a hobby, I don’t think they realize how much work this hobby takes!
These are so true! I particularly love Facebook groups! I’m looking into getting a proper camera for photos actually as I’m just using my iPhone – not the best! Thanks for the post!
Big YES to all of these. Especially yes to blogging groups! I blogged a few years before discovering them. Being an active part of blogging groups has made all the difference!
Yes to all of these! All of these are so important! I especially think the FB groups are golden in helping with exposure and networking, I think that’s how I found your cute blog
All of these are true for me too. Thanks for sharing. Great post.
Such a great post. I’ve been blogging for 5 years and when I look back and think that I did 3 posts a week for FIVE YEARS I have to give myself a pat on the back. =)
I wish that I knew about blogging groups a long time ago too! I love the support and camaraderie that these groups provide. And yes, I too was late to the SEO party as well! A hard lesson to learn
I’m trying to navigate the SEO thing. Thankfully I took a 30 day online class that helped tremendously with tips and tricks and using canva to create images and coming up with a content calendar, etc. And I still have access to that group and those great gals who have helped me a lot. It just takes time and you really have to be observant of what other successful bloggers are doing and follow their lead.
Marsha SEO has taken me some time to learn. It is not easy to say the least. That is awesome that you took a class that helped you out. SEO has been a huge game changer for my blog.
I wish I had known these things too. Especially the one about how much work it takes and what SEO was. I’m constantly blown away by how much of my life my blog now takes up. Had I known it would be like this I would have waited until I finished grad school to start.
Thanks for sharing this! I still need to get on board with SEO and actually creating an editorial calendar. I will be saved when this is done.
Thank You for reading Sara. SEO is a nightmare at times but it has helped my blog so much. Having an editorial calendar will help so much. It has kept me organized (for the most part).
If I sat down and made a list of things I wish I knew before I started blogging, it would be incredibly long! I never expected it to be so much work! Congrats on hitting the one year mark.
Rachel | http://www.seashellsandsparkles.com
Yes!!!! Facebook groups are SO important and key to growing!! I am still not too familiar with SEO and I still don’t plan out anything haha
Right on target – couldn’t agree more! I STILL can’t believe how much work blogging is!
GACK—SEO is one of those things I wish I didn’t have to consider. Blogging really is a lot of work. I only recently returned after taking several years off, and a lot has changed. BUT…the need for good content remains the same.
Georgiana SEO is not my favorite thing either. I have slowly learned how to work with SEO but I am far from an expert on it. Blogging is a lot of work but it is so worth it. That’s awesome that you decided to get back into blogging.
Great list, so true!! I wish I would have known to start branding my photos and pins the same right off the bat so everything looks pretty and consistent!
I completely agree with all 5! I really had no idea the amount of work that went in behind the scenes of a blog, especially the promotion part.
Shann me either! Blogging is so much work but it is so worth it. I will admit that sometimes I don’t have any energy to blog but I know that I have amazing readers that come back (so that motivates me).
I have absolutely learned how important an editorial calendar is. That’s definitely what keeps my blog running smoothly! I’m also glad I discovered Facebook groups early on in blogging, because they have been a huge asset for growing my blog.
I had been blogging several years before joining a facebook group, and it has made such a difference!
Lora it has made a huge difference for my blog. I am so happy that I joined some amazing groups and meet some amazing bloggers through those groups.
Finding facebook groups have really been an essential part of promoting my blog, I also wish I discovered them earlier – really could have helped with a few kinks I had in the beginning!
Sarah I agree that fb groups have been essential in growing my blog over the last few months. I am so happy that I joined some amazing groups when I did.
These were quickly learned lessons for me too! Especially the camera and editorial calendar.
These are awesome tips! I still take pictures with my phone but recently got a DSLR… now I need to work on photoshop!
A lot of people believe that blogging is easy when they first start because they see so many people making those claims. I also agree that Facebook groups are amazing!
Crystal I agree that a lot of people think blogging is easy. I know I did at first. I quickly found out, that is not the case by any means. I love that I am apart of some great facebook groups.